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It is difficult to know whether or not you are ready for a long term relationship. There are many factors related to this that can make knowing whether you are ready or not even more complicated. For example, if you’ve just recently been through a divorce then this decision will be totally different for someone who has been living the single life for two years. A relationship is an important part of your life and finding someone special to share your life with is an important decision to make. It’s not something that is easy for either gender but there are some signs to be aware of that may help make this decision a bit easier for you:

  1. You are happy being single - You need to be happy being single before getting into a relationship. If you are not happy with yourself, being by yourself then you are not going to be able to make someone else happy. If you’re happy being single then you may be ready for a relationship again.
  2. You have moved on from you last ex - This is crucial. If you are still thinking about your ex, harbouring ill feelings towards your ex then it’s fair to say you still haven’t moved on from them. If you have moved on then you may be ready for a relationship.
  3. You are ready to put someone else’s interests on the same level as your own - If you are not ready to put someone else’s interests, and their joint happiness on the same level as yours then you probably aren’t ready for a relationship. Being in a relationship means you are now a team and you need to consider your partner’s interests and happiness as much as your own.

These are just three things to consider when thinking about getting back into a relationship again. If you feel like you are ready then we can help you find a potential life partner with our highly tailored personal introductions.

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If you are seeking an elite matchmaking consultancy service where the exeptional is distinguished from merely the very good, please get in touch for a confidential consultation.