Why Join Us?
After watching the TV shows such as Millionaire Matchmaker, many people feel that using a Personal Matchmaker will be too expensive for them, so joining Matchmakers may well be a pleasant surprise as our costs start at little more than the annualised cost of some of the better quality online dating sites. So taking the next step – joining Matchmakers – is actually well within the budget of most young professionals.
At Matchmakers, we are very lucky to have Alex Rollisson, Liz Brown, Zoe Hughes and Kathy Hayman as our Membership Advisers, all of whom bring a considerable amount of knowledge of the dating industry and particularly its pitfalls and the reasons why joining a Personal Matchmaking company is so much safer and more likely to be successful than going it alone with online dating.
You can talk to Alex, Liz, Zoe or Kathy without any obligation whatsoever, they will be happy to answer any questions you may have openly and honestly and give you an honest appraisal as to whether or not we can help you and bring that very special partner into your life. Ring us today at our expense on 0800 644 4130 or click on the ‘Talk to a Matchmaker’ button below and complete the contact form, either Alex, Liz, Zoe or Kathy will ring you back within 48 working hours.