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We all know that dealing with a breakup is not easy. Anyone who has experienced a break up will know how difficult it can be to deal with. We all deal with break ups in different ways but there is universal research that shows that there are some ways of dealing with a break up that are shown to help people cope with the situation better.One of the universal coping methods is acceptance, and that means accepting your situation. Many people tend to end up in a state of denial when they first break up with a partner, this is quite a natural response but it’s important that you are aware of it and get out of this state quickly. Being in a state of denial actually prevents you from moving on with your life rather than allowing you to activate your own personal resources that will help you move on with your life.The way you move on with your life is by accepting the situation. Accepting that the break up has happened. Accept the reasons why it happened but it’s also important to not ruminate too much and end up in negative thinking patterns where you blame yourself for what happened. If you end up in a negative thinking pattern it will only make moving on with your life more difficult.Accepting your situation has more than just the benefit of helping you move on as well. It also helps you to become a better and stronger person. With every relationship you learn more about what you want in a partner and you learn more about yourself. But in order for such a process to occur there needs to be a period of acceptance. Only once you accept your situation can you truly deal with a break up effectively and move on with your life.

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